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Degree programs and study courses in English

Study Programs

Eight master programs at Osnabrück University are held entirely in English.

The PhD Program Cognitive Science is also purely English.


Study courses

Numerous courses are also held in English.

Wintersemester 2023/2024

Summersemester 2023

WiSe 2023/24

Hazzaa, Mira Elham
Toll, Mira
, Anna-Julia
Reflect, Question, Discuss: Navigating Identity, Culture and Power Dynamics in a Global Context
Schefer, Marina
Toll, Anna-Julia
Intercultural Competence
Eckholt, Margit
Hagedorn, Anselm
Kayser-Kadereit, Claudia
LeMieux, Matthew
3.301 The transfer of values and culture by studies at German Universities Mi, 16:30-18:00, 11/116
Brockmann, Jan-Heinrich
Serwe, Stefan
SPZ 411 International Students as Language Tutors (Module A: Organizing a Language Café) Do, 16:00-18:00, 04/213
Do, 16:00-18:00,

Complete course catalog

Osnabrück University offers a wide range of courses in it's modular degree programs with high standards of quality. Here you can find the complete course catalog in German language.